What to Bring

  • At least two (2) full sets of weather appropriate spare clothing and underwear.
  • If toilet training, 5 – 6 pairs of underwear (minimum) and extra socks in winter
  • Water bottle (labelled)
  • Set of sheets in a clearly labelled pillowcase or drawstring bag
  • A wet bag – a reusable bag appropriate to send home wet and soiled items in.

Bush Kindy Program:

  • Long pants (Shirts provided by the centre)
  • Sneakers (socks provided by the centre)
  • Water bottle

Additional items for Nursery and Toddlers:

  • Comfort items such as dummies (in a named, sealed container), cuddle toys, blankets etc.
  • Formula Bottles (pre-measured water with pre-measured formula powder dispenser) or bottles
    of breastmilk
  • Nappy creams or powders – these must have a pharmacy label with your child’s name.
  • Three (3) full sets of weather appropriate spare clothing

The centre will provide:

  • A Clearview Kindy wide brimmed hat
  • Shirts & socks for Bush Kindy
  • Nappies for children up to 2.5 years
  • Sunscreen